1. In these conditions “The Customer” shall mean the person or body by or on whose behalf DT
    TRUCKS LTD shall perform work or service inspection or repair and “The Vehicle” shall
    mean the vehicle on which the work is performed.
  2. Where DT TRUCKS LTD agree to carry out any work for the Customer, DT TRUCKS LTD
    liability shall be limited to the performance of such work as it shall agree and not further or
  3. All contracts with DT TRUCKS LTD shall be valid and binding only if made in writing upon
    DT TRUCKS LTD Workshop Instructions Form and shall be subject to these conditions of
    business and no other. A contract shall exist when and only when DT TRUCKS LTD
    Workshop Instructions Form has been signed by or on behalf of the customer.
  4. DT TRUCKS LTD and its servants and agents are expressly authorised by the Customer to
    use the vehicle or vehicles on the highway and elsewhere for all purposes in connection with
    the agreed work.
  5. All monies due to DT TRUCKS LTD in respect of work carried out on the vehicle or
    vehicles shall become payable when completed and the customer has been notified that the
    vehicle or vehicles are ready for collection. Unless otherwise agreed all payments to DT
    TRUCKS LTD shall be made before the vehicle or vehicles are released to the customer.
  6. Without prejudice to any other rights of DT TRUCKS LTD, if the customer fails to pay the
    invoice price by the due date Customer shall incur interest on any overdue amount from the
    date on which payment was due to that on which it is made (whether before or after
    judgement) on a daily basis at a rate of 5 per cent per annum over the base rate from time to
    time quoted by Barclays Bank Plc and reimburse to DT TRUCKS LTD all costs and
    expenses (including legal costs) incurred in the collection of any overdue amount.
  7. The customer acknowledges DT TRUCKS LTD to have a legal lien upon any vehicle or
    vehicles left with DT TRUCKS LTD for work. Title and ownership of parts shall not pass to
    the Customer until payment has been received in full (and all cheques cleared) and not upon
    collection or delivery of vehicle(s).
  8. Subject to the provisions of the Unfair Contract terms Act 1977 and any amendment thereof
    vehicle and the components, fittings and contents of vehicles are left with DT TRUCKS LTD
    entirely at the customer’s risk. DT TRUCKS LTD shall in no circumstances be liable for loss
    or damage thereto or for delay in completing service or repairs howsoever occasioned and
    whether by reason of any act or default of DT TRUCKS LTD, its servants, agents or
  9. Except in so far as liability may be placed upon DT TRUCKS LTD by the Unfair Contract
    Terms Act 1977 or in respect of a vehicle subject to the Manufacturer’s Warranty or a
    replacement component fitted to a vehicle in the course of service or repair and similarly
    subject or by law no conditions or warranties are given or implied as to the quality of goods
    or services supplied by DT TRUCKS LTD or their fitness for any particular purpose whether
    such purpose shall be known to DT TRUCKS LTD or not.
    DT TRUCKS LTD will however without prejudice to its rights here under correct all faults
    in Inspection Service or Repairs operations carried out by DT TRUCKS LTD and occurring
    by reason of DT TRUCKS LTD default or negligence and shown to be such to DT TRUCKS
    LTD reasonable satisfaction.
  10. All agreements made between DT TRUCKS LTD and the Customer, or as provided by the
    Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, are personal to the customer who shall not assign his rights
    or liabilities under an agreement made subject to these conditions.
  11. If in DT TRUCKS LTD reasonable opinion the operations ordered to be carried out by the
    customer cannot be carried out without the vehicle or any part thereof being washed or
    otherwise cleaned the cost of such washing or cleaning shall be chargeable to the Customer
    as if the same specifically ordered by him.
  12. If the Customer shall become bankrupt or insolvent or make any arrangement with creditors
    or suffer a receiver of his effects to be appointed or being a body corporate enters into
    liquidation other than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction, DT TRUCKS LTD
    shall have the right to terminate any agreement with the Customer subject to these conditions
    and shall thenceforth cease to have any further obligation under the Contract and the price for
    all work done and goods and services rendered by DT TRUCKS LTD shall immediately
    become payable.
  13. If by reason of the Customer’s instructions or lack of such instructions any vehicle or
    vehicles left with DT TRUCKS LTD for any Inspection Service or Repair Operation are not
    collected by the Customer from DT TRUCKS LTD within 7 days of DT TRUCKS LTD
    having notified the Customer either overleaf or otherwise that such operations have been
    completed DT TRUCKS LTD shall be at liberty to charge the Customer a reasonable daily
    sum for the storage of such vehicle or vehicles.
  14. DT TRUCKS LTD reserves the right to charge a handling fee of up to 10% for any goods
    returned that have been ordered by the Customer and supplied by DT TRUCKS LTD
  15. DT TRUCKS LTD reserves the right to charge daily storage charges to the customer against
    the vehicle left on our premises for periods exceeding 28 days.

Please contact us at enquiries@dttrucks.com if you have any issues or questions about our Terms and Conditions, thank you.